Buttercup Class – F2
Welcome to Buttercup Class!
This half term we are going to be celebrating the theme, 'Proud to be me'. We are going to learn all about one another, what we like/dislike, how we are the same but in other ways we are different and how we have all changed over time.
We will also be finding out about our Sitwell Superheroes who will help us 'to be the best that we can be'! You can find out all about our Owls within the 'Key Information' tab on our school website and follow the 'Behaviour @ Sitwell' link.
Here are a few important notices...
School day timings
Our school day begins at 8:40am when the classroom door opens. The door will close at 8.45am. Our lunch time is 12pm - 1:15pm every day. If your child is having a school lunch, please order online at home. Our school day ends at 3:15pm.
PE days
Our PE day is Wednesday with Mr Mimms. On this day, please remember to remove earrings and tie up long hair if necessary. As part of PE, we will be practising to get dressed and undressed by ourselves to help develop our independent skills and fine and gross motor skills. Please can you support your child by practising this at home. We will need our PE kits for these sessions - a white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/joggers and black pumps or trainers. All PE kits should be named and are kept in the blue PE bags we have provided. These are kept in school during term time and will be sent home each half-term holiday.
Reading Diaries
All reading diaries are collected in every Monday. If your child does not have their reading diary, we will be unable to back date any of the children's reading entries. If your child reads 3 times or more at home in a week on different days, they will get a stamp and lots of positive praise!
Your child will be given the opportunity to change their 'Dream Read' book every Friday. Once we begin RWI Phonics groups, your child will be given a new reading card or book each week which will match their phonics knowledge and understanding and enable them to work on their reading targets. Please could we ask that all school books are kept safely in your book bag and returned to school each week as they will be used during RWI Phonics sessions.
Poetry Journals
Keep an eye out as your child will receive a new poem every Thursday which will be linked to an area of learning from that week. We hope you enjoy sharing this with your child and reading or singing it together to help find out more about what we are learning in school.
Home Learning
We share regular updates from class on our Google Classroom app that you are able to access at home. We also use Google Classroom to share home learning ideas linked to RWI Phonics, Maths and Writing.
Please can we ask that all uniform, coats and accessories is clearly labelled to ensure we can help the children be like 'Respecto' and look after all of their belongings. As we spend a lot of our time both indoor and outdoor, please could we ask that your child always brings a waterproof jacket or warm coat into school for those unexpected rainy days.
If you have any questions, please contact myself through our class email address: buttercupclass@sitwellinfantschool.co.uk
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Hainsworth and the Buttercup Team - Miss Stinson and Mrs Blackburn x