Snowdrop Class – Y1
Snowdrop Class News
Welcome to Snowdrop class. We will post regular updates about special events, visits, and celebrate work from Snowdrop class on Google Classrooms. Please make sure you are signed onto Snowdrop's Google Classroom page. We would also love to see what your child is doing outside of school so please share home news on there too. Each week we dedicate a special Google News time to share what children have posted on Google Classrooms.
Our school day will begin at 8:45am. Our school day will finish at 3:15pm and you can collect your child from the same place. For the safety of the children, could you please ensure that you do not take your child until a member of staff has seen you.
Play time: 10:30am
Dinner time: 12:15pm-1.15pm
Physical Education
Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday.
Please could you ensure that your child has their PE kits in school. The following PE kit is needed; a white top, shorts/leggings/joggers, pumps or trainers. At Sitwell Infant School we value PE as an important part of the curriculum, therefore we expect all children to take part in PE each week. Please ensure that your child is not wearing earrings/jewellery. We do not want children to miss out on valuable learning experiences in school.
Please ensure that your child has their book bags and reading diary at school every day. Children will need to hand in their reading diaries every Monday morning. Children will bring home a RWI reading book each week, this will match the RWI stage they are currently working at. Each time your child reads please make a note on the relevant week in their diary. Please read with your child at least 3 times a a week. Children will need to hand in their reading diaries every Monday morning, they will receive a stamp when they have read 3 times or more.
As well as a RWI reading book children will also bring home a reading for pleasure book, and a Dream Read book. These are books that we encourage parents to read to their child, rather than the child read independently. This develops their language skills and also allows them to experience reading being modelled to them.
Home learning tasks will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday. This will be a spelling focus homework and each alternate week either a short maths activity or a literacy focus activity . When the homework is completed don't forget to select hand in, you can also post photos or screen shots to share how your child did.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on the class email
Thank you
Mrs Razaq