At Sitwell Infant School, all children will be taught a high quality PSHE education that equips them with the skills and knowledge to be able to embrace creating a happy and successful adult life, making informed choices about their well-being, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. We will build on children’s knowledge and skills each year to help them to make decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. PSHE and Relationships Education also ensures our children develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and where they can access support. At Sitwell Infant School, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work and the myHappymind programme which meets the requirement of the National Curriculum and EYFS framework; however this is adapted to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of our children and local context.
In addition to the programmes delivered, we have also created and developed six Sitwell Superheroes to help children understand our key values and support them to make positive choices, these are: Captain Kindness, Respecto, Determinator, Honesty Hunter, Communication Crusader and Gentle Guardian.
At Sitwell Infant School, Relationships and Health Education is firmly embedded into the PSHE framework. It is taught at an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate level, sensitively and inclusively with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of all. The curriculum for Relationships Education is as set out in the National Curriculum and EYFS Documentation with the focus of teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.
Relationships Education helps to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of positive and safe relationships, including those with family, friends and online. Children are taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. In an age-appropriate way, children are taught about how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect.
As a school we will have the flexibility to deliver the content in a way that is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs of all our children. Relationships and Health Education is taught in a range of different ways including:
- direct teaching using structured lessons planned from Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work
- a high proportion of class discussion
- group/paired work
- whole school and class assemblies
- circle time
- role play, including the use of puppets
Some aspects of Relationships and Health Education are also taught through other curriculum areas e.g. Computing & Online Safety and Religious Education.
Children will have developed their personal, social and health knowledge and skills to help them secure positive relationships and contribute to their own personal attributes. Children’s knowledge and skills will develop progressively as they move through the school, not only to enable them to meet the requirements of the EYFS framework and National Curriculum but to enable them to form a strong early understanding of the features of relationships that are likely to lead to happiness and security in the next phase of their education.