Bluebell Class – Y1/Y2
Welcome to Bluebell Class
Welcome to our class page! Here you will find key information and messages. I can't wait to share the school year with all and see how much you grow!
Miss Wadsworth x
Timings of the Day
Bluebell Class should arrive by 8:45am. Our school day ends at 3:15pm and children should be collected from the square in the top corner of the playground, next to the ball court
Physical Education
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Over the year we will take part in lots of different sports and activities to develop our skills. Please ensure your child brings the correct PE kit and that all of their clothing is clearly labelled. Earrings must be removed before PE lessons.
Reading Diaries
Readings diaries will be collected on Mondays and sent home on the same day. Try your best to read at least 3 times every week to get a stamp in your diary!
Home learning tasks will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday. This will be a spelling homework and/or a short maths activity/game . When the homework is completed don't forget to select hand in, you can also post photos or screen shots to share how your child did.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on the class email