Tulip Class - Y2
Tulip Class
The school doors open at 8.40am for you to drop off your children. They all need to be in Tulip Class by 8.45am, ready for the register to be taken. Our school day finishes at 3:15pm and Tulip Class are collected from the yellow hexagon in the main playground. For the safety of the children, please make sure we are aware you have collected your child.
Play time: 10:30am-10.45am
Dinner time: 12:15pm-1.15pm
Physical Education
Tulip Class' PE days are Monday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on these days. This includes a white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and pumps or trainers. We provide all children with a school hoodie for when we have outdoor PE. At Sitwell Infant School we value PE as an important part of the curriculum, therefore we expect all children to take part in PE each week. If your child has their ears pierced, they will need to take out their own earrings for PE or come to school without earrings in.
All children should bring their book bag and reading diary to school every day. Reading diaries are handed in every Monday morning and checked and stamped for the previous week. For each week that your child reads three times, they will receive a stamp.
Home learning tasks will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday. This will alternate between an English based task and a maths task. When your child has completed their homework, post a photo of their work or leave a comment so we can monitor their progress. Every child will also bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book and a 'Dream Reads' book. These are books they can choose themselves to enjoy reading to/with you at home. If your child is still completing the Read Write Inc scheme, they will also bring home a Read Write Inc book to practise. Children who have completed the Read Write Inc scheme will bring home a weekly reading comprehension.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on the class email.