Our School Day
At Sitwell Infant School, children attend school for 32.5 hours a week. This includes a short morning playtime, as well as their lunch break.
School doors open each day at 8.40am. Morning registration takes place at 8.45am.
Members of the Leadership Team will meet children entering school through the main entrance in the playground by the door they go in through. When they arrive in the classroom they will be met by the class teaching team. They will have a morning task to begin, after putting away their coats, bags and changing their books on the corridor. Children in our EYFS classes enter school through their classroom door and their teaching team will be there to greet them each day.
The school day ends at 3:15pm for all children. Children in EYFS classes are collected from their classroom door; children in KS1 classes are collected from the main playground.
If your child will be collected from someone different please ensure you let school know in advance. You can tell the teaching staff in person at drop off or telephone the main office during school hours.