Christmas performances - update
Over the past few weeks we have been considering the current situation with COVID-19 and as a Senior Leadership Team, we have had to make a decision as to whether we will be able to welcome parents into school to watch the performances. Sadly, due to the consistent high rates of COVID-19 in our area, and our concerns about the risk of a potential outbreak within our school community at Christmas time, we have decided that parents will not be able to come into school.
As explained in my earlier email, we have made the decision for classes to work together to create a full performance and this will be recorded by Mr Bernard, one of our school governors. Mr Bernard is a professional videographer and only charges school for his time. To try and cover the costs for this, we will ask parents to make a small donation of £2 through their School Money account. We will then share the digital download of the shows with parents via email.
All children will be included in the performances. If you do not want your child to be on the recording of the shows, please speak to Mrs Peart by Friday 26th November so that this can be organised.
This has been a very difficult decision to make, but we have to prioritise the health and safety of our school community. We hope you understand.