School opening time
Following a slight change at the beginning of the school year, our school day now begins promptly at 8.45am. We open the school doors at 8.40am to allow time for children to enter the classroom ready for the register to be taken. Our gates are open from 8.30am each day, so parents are able to get into school and be ready for the doors to open. The school gate, main entrance doors and classroom doors in Foundation will be closed at 8.45am as this is when staff need to complete the register.
Please note that any children that arrive after the gate and class doors are closed must come into school through the main reception so we can ensure they are marked on the register. As stated on the letter sent out before the holidays, a child will only receive a late mark in the register if they arrive after 8.50am. Classes are on their way to assembly straight away so are unable to keep the classroom doors open past 8.45am.
We understand that families with multiple children may find this more difficult; however, children in Year 1 and Year 2 are able to come across the playground and into school independently so that you are able to drop off any children in Sunflower, Buttercup or Daisy classes on time. There are a range of adults on the door each day to make sure the children get to their classroom safely.
We appreciate that sometimes parents and carers may need to call to reception to speak to staff or drop off medication etc; if this is the case, we will be able to take the children down to their classes as if they are in Sunflower, Buttercup or Daisy classes, they may get there after the door is closed. We are happy to help in these scenarios.
Please ensure you set off to school in plenty of time in a morning to ensure you child arrives into school by 8.45am.
Thank you for your continued support.