Special Mentions
Our Key Stage One classes (Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) will be beginning to hold Special Mentions assemblies from Tuesday 21st September. These assemblies begin at 2.20pm. Special Mentions assemblies are an opportunity for us to celebrate our children's wonderful behaviour and hard work with you. A child from each class is nominated each week and they sit at the front of the hall and share their special nomination and/or work that they are proud of.
Now that we have been able to relax restrictions, we will be inviting parents to attend this assembly when your child is nominated for a special mention. Your child will bring home an invitation when they are nominated to let you know what day and time their assembly will be. Please confirm with an adult in your child's class if you are able to attend.
We are also eager to share our children's special achievements from home. If they have won an award or have got a certificate or something special to share with the rest of the school, please send this into school and we will include it in one of our upcoming assemblies. Depending on how many children are sharing things from home, it may take a few weeks for their news to be shared so please ask them to be patient if it isn't straight away!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents into school for our Special Mentions assemblies. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions about this.