Updates following government announcement
Following the government announcement on Saturday, please find below a general update of our risk assessment and plans moving forward.
As an Infant School, the changes brought in do not affect how we are working in school greatly, but some small changes will be made over the next few weeks to try and minimise risks. All staff have been asked to wear a face mask within communal areas of school from tomorrow. Staff may also choose to wear a face mask when collecting the children from the playground. Parents can also choose to wear a mask in the playground but this is not something being enforced by the government. We have also made the decision to not hold any whole school assemblies until after Christmas. The KS1 Special Mentions assembly tomorrow will be the final one of the year.
As shared in our letter last week, we had already made the decision not to have live performances for parents. A recording of the plays will be shared with parents once they have been completed, and we will try our best to ensure this comes to you before the start of the holidays.
As case rates are not concerning in school at present, we want to honour the final three stay and learn sessions for Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1. We know many of you are looking forward to coming into school to see your child's classroom and their learning. If you do want to join us for these events, please ensure you wear a mask inside the school building and sanitise your hands before coming into the classroom. Class 3 will be welcoming parents in on Thursday 2nd December, Class 2 will be welcoming parents in on Thursday 9th December and Class 1 will be welcoming parents in on Monday 13th December.
We are working very hard in school to ensure our children receive as much normality as possible during the school day.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.