Welcome Back!
We hope all our children and families have had a wonderful holiday. We are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow to continue with our learning journey in 2023!
Please see below some key reminders for the coming week:
School Lunches - please ensure you have ordered your child's lunches for the week if they require a lunch provided by school. This must be done before 8am each day so it is much easier to order a week in advance than ordering each day.
PE kit - all children's PE kits need to be brought back into school tomorrow as we will be beginning our new PE lessons this week with Live & Learn. Please ensure your child has a pair of leggings/jogging bottoms in their PE bag as well as we may complete PE lessons outside. The hoodies that have been provided by school must be included in their PE kit bag, and not worn to school as a jumper.
School Uniform - please ensure you have labelled your child's uniform clearly so that if it is misplaced, we can easily find it. We had a lot of uniform lost last term where there were no names in.
After School Clubs - as shared before the holidays, Live & Learn sports clubs will begin this week (Tuesday & Thursday) and the clubs on Monday & Wednesday will begin next week. Please ensure payment has been made if you have requested a club place for your child or they will not be able to attend.
School reopens at the normal time tomorrow morning. We look forward to seeing you all for the start of a wonderful new term!
Thank you for your continued support.